7 More Motivational Quotes to Fuel Sales Success
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Sales training, sales performance, leadership development
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7 More Motivational Quotes to Fuel Sales Success

woman hanging over the side of a cliff

7 More Motivational Quotes to Fuel Sales Success

In one of our previous articles, we compiled a list of ten motivational quotes that drive sales success. Back by popular demand, we have compiled another list of our favorite principles on sales excellence.

These principles should become part of your mindset. Your mindset guides your behaviors and your performance. Integrate these principles into your mindset and you’ll be on the way towards even greater sales success.

1) The Danger is Not in Change…the Danger Lies in Our Ability to Adapt to Change.

fish jumping out of one fishbowl and into another fish bowl of water

The marketplace is changing. Sales is changing and it will continue to change. The things that have got you to where you’re at today…won’t sustain you for the future. What are you doing to enhance yourself and gain that competitive edge? 


2) Differentiate Yourself by How You Sell…Not in What You Sell.

man holding a graph with sales pointing upward

It’s not about the bells and whistles of your product. It’s how you engage your customers throughout the buying process that really matters. Position yourself as a thought leader.


3) The Higher Up the Corporate Ladder You Go…the More Tailored and Insightful Your Sales Discussion Needs to Be.

man in business suit holding his tie

C-Suite executives don’t want to hear about the bells and whistles of your product. Instead focus your discussion around their key industry drivers and how your solution aligns with their strategic initiatives and helps them achieve their business goals. 


4) Having Plenty of Deals in Your Pipeline Allows You to Negotiate from a Position of Strength.

two hands holding opposite ends of a rope.

Your customers can tell how badly you need a deal. So don’t get yourself in this situation to begin with. Never take your foot off the accelerator and keep that pipeline full.  


5) Risk Mitigation is an Important Factor in Today’s Buying Decisions. Help Your Buyers Avoid Potential Pitfalls.

Man standing in front of two paths with one path saying safe and the other saying risk.

Build a business case. Quantify the impact of not taking action. Prove the value that your solution can offer. 


6) Closing the Sale should be the Natural Outcome of a Well Executed Sales Process.

two people meeting at a table and discussing a contract

Closing the sale should never feel forced. If it does, you’re probably moving too fast through the sales process. Align your sales process with the steps of the customer’s buying process and closing the sale will happen naturally.  


7) Top Performing Salespeople Understand How Discounting Impacts Profitability. Sell the Value…Not the Price.

businessman flexing his muscles in front of a chalkboard

Price is only an issue in the absence of value. Identify the value drivers for each buying influence and present only those features of your solution that are of value.

So there you have it. Seven more motivational principles and quotes on sales excellence. If you enjoyed reading this article, please make sure to share it with your network.