Sales Performance Blog | Sales Insights, Peak Performance, & Leadership Excellence | Hallett Training & Consulting
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Sales Performance Insights

Great sales coaching involves having a strong understanding of how an individual develops a new skill. The conscious competence model explains the four stages of learning that individuals go through when building competence in a new skill. The model was initially developed by Noel Burch at Gordon Training International. It provides a simple and practical framework for...

Many sales managers realize that coaching is a key lever for driving sales performance. Despite this, many organizations don’t have a defined coaching process. Coaching tends to be haphazard and unstructured, which makes it challenging for coaching to yield predictable and consistent results. Having a well-defined, consistent coaching process will ensure your sales organization has the...

I can vividly remember the time when I was accompanying a seasoned sales professional who was visiting one of his best customers. The salesperson was used to doing business with a few primary contacts, whom he had developed strong relationships with. However the company was experiencing significant operational challenges, and senior management was now getting involved in...